Monday, May 13, 2019

An Inviting Profile

Hi Lovelies, today we're going to talk about how to have an inviting profile.
The first thing you should do when you upload your story is to ensure
 that you have an inviting profile.
This means that you should ensure that whenever a person comes 
across your profile they are interested by the overall image you portray.
 From the profile picture to the cover picture, to how you treat persons who 
message you publicly and how you display your books.
 This may not seem like something that will help you gain reads but it all adds up in the end.

 When I first started writing I didn't pay much attention to how my profile looked to others, that was a mistake. After about a month of uploading I noticed that I wasn't getting as much views on my book as I would have liked. I started to get frustrated because in my head my content was pretty good so I should be getting the reads I want. That's when I started to do my research. I began to browse the profiles of other writers on Wattpad who were doing quite well. Two of these persons were Neilani Alejandrino also known as sweetdreamer33 and Camille also known as sweetblunch. Their profiles were organized, they had a distinctive profile picture that I could recognize anywhere and their book covers were beautiful.

 When I say their profiles were organised what I mean is that the about me section is aesthetically pleasing, all their stories were inserted into the order in which they were written and/or where they fall within a series. They both had one set profile picture, for example if I ever forgot the name of sweetblunch I knew all I had to do was type in the name of one of her books and look for the distinctive profile picture that I knew so well. One think I loved was how their book covers always looked like it was professionally done. My book was definitely lacking that. After I identified these three things I started to do things differently on my own profile and that's when the reads started coming in and I couldn't be happier. My most popular book received 2.8 million reads and I now have over 6,000 followers on Wattpad. So I encourage you to try these it won't cost you anything.

'A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies'

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